May Sustainable Pick - Gandia Blasco

Our sustainable pick this month is a company that centers its mission and process around people, the environment, and craftsmanship. GAN, the rug line by Gandia Blasco, has committed to sustainability by focusing their manufacturing processes on benefiting both the planet and its inhabitants.

GAN Women’s Unit - Social Project

In 2010, renowned European designer Patricia Urquiola was working on her new rug collection called BANDAS. During this time, Mapi Millet, the director of GAN, discovered a group of women in India who had lost their jobs after the local workshops that employed them closed down. Mapi suggested incorporating the skills of these artisans into the BANDAS collection, and Patricia enthusiastically embraced the idea. She began adapting the BANDAS designs to suit the artisans' skills, ensuring the pieces promoted their work-life balance.

The rugs were designed to be easily rolled up, allowing the women to take their work with them. This innovative approach led to the creation of the modular rug, a concept that became a hallmark of the BANDAS collection and contributed significantly to its popularity.

The success of the BANDAS collection was a testament to the power of collaboration and thoughtful design. Encouraged by this achievement, GAN continued to integrate the skills of these artisans into their products. In return, the women received fair wages and learned to work in structured environments, fostering both personal autonomy and economic independence.

Environmental Sustainability

GAN has established a production system that does not require the use of machinery, eliminating emissions and reducing its carbon footprint. By relying on traditional, handcrafted techniques, GAN minimizes environmental impact and preserves the rich heritage of artisanal craftsmanship.

Their products are designed with longevity in mind, promoting responsible consumption. The durability of GAN’s rugs means they do not need to be frequently replaced, reducing waste. By prioritizing natural materials, GAN further minimizes the environmental impact, ensuring that each product is as eco-friendly as it is beautiful.

If you are interested in using these products in your next project, give us a call today!